Moving forward into the fray of life is not an easy thing to do. However, it is the only thing we can do if we wish to realize our aspirations and dreams. Yes, aspirations and dreams, we all have them, and they all seem to be slightly out of reach. Or are they?
Objects closer than they appear
Have you ever noticed that objects in your spyglass seem closer than they really are? Well, if we keep one eye focused on the immediate present and our other eye focused on the prize, we may find we are able to accomplish our goals much faster and much easier than we thought possible.
The problem most Sailors of Life have is focusing on a single goal long enough to accomplish it. Our minds stray from our task and purpose and our eyes follow suit.
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Keeping your focus
If we keep one eye focused on the immediate present and our other eye focused on the prize, we will accomplish our goals, and attain what we desire. Once your primary goal is attained, refocus your efforts on the second prize, rinse, and repeat!
Path forward
As we take our next steps, we must be prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead. The path forward is not always clear, but we must move forward with faith and determination. We know that the journey may be difficult, but we cannot let that stop us from pushing toward our goals.
Moving forward
With each new hurdle we overcome, we become stronger, more resilient, and more capable of reaching our dreams. Let us not fear the fray, but rather embrace it as an opportunity to grow and flourish.
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