The Imperial Dread Sea Scrolls

The Imperial Dread Sea Scrolls ebooks are a series of motivational blogs, essays, and thoughts compiled into one easy-to-read location.

The Imperial Dread Sea Scrolls were created for a very specific reason. As personal nautical charts, they are log entries of waters I have sailed. The scrolls have been called things like, “philosophy with a nautical flare”, “wonderful!”, “original and intelligent”, “Most excellent”, and even “brilliant…..absolutely brilliant…”. In truth, they became a way for me to motivate myself. When the waters got rough, I wrote a motivating entry to keep my spirits up and to allow me to remember that a motivated sailor is a happy sailor.

Photo of Michael aka the author Dread Pirate sitting in a classroom desk.

About the author

Michael writes under the nom-de-plume, Dread Pirate.

Michael, owner of has written motivational essays and works of fiction. Further, his motivational blog and motivational ebooks are free for all to read.

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The Imperial Dread Sea Scrolls (Volume I) is the original collection of motivational blogs, essays, and thoughts.

The Imperial Dread Sea Scrolls, Vol. II is a continuation of the series that continues to inspire all sailors of life.

The Imperial Dread Sea Scrolls Vol. III is the final work in the series of motivational and inspirational blogs, essays, and thoughts.

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